digital trainigs by Hosokawa Alpine

Alpine Campus: Digital Training Courses and Seminars

- First-hand digital training program

Modern training courses, digitally prepared: the Alpine Campus at Hosokawa Alpine meets you at your exact level of knowledge and, with our training programme, imparts process-technological and system-specific know-how straight from the horse's mouth. The first-class system seminars are tailored to your individual needs and are held by experts. "To conveniently integrate the training courses into our customers’ daily work routines, we made the choice of training location as flexible as possible. For example, in order to reduce travel times, the training courses can be attended at the Alpine Campus in Augsburg, on site in your own company, or more fashionably, per webinar", says Norbert Gebel, HR Project Manager Campus at Hosokawa Alpine.

Tailor-made seminars for maximum learning success

The individual training courses are modular in design and are directed at a wide range of personnel from system operators to automation engineers, and are tailored exactly to the respective target group. In order to ensure long-term learning success, the theoretical part of the training modules is supplemented by comprehensive machine and system tests. Newly learned skills can then be tried out straight away in practice. In addition, Hosokawa Alpine experts from the respective customer divisions support the modules and encourage branch-specific discussions among the participants, guaranteeing a sustained transfer of knowledge.


Added value for participants and companies

The training courses offered by the Alpine Campus bring fast and in-depth achievement of all the requisite qualification targets for the participants, which is attested to by a certificate of participation.


The acquired know-how constitutes a tangible added value for companies: the increased knowledge can be used to optimise systems and increase operational efficiency.